Life goes on, for some people it’s a pretty good thing and for others, it goes the other way round as we all live in a different level, different style, and different thoughts with different people. Some are fortunate to live lavishly, some moderately, some contently, some eagerly, some jealously etc. From the insights of our lives, we do realize some people’s life is more artisanal than others and the chain continuous this way. The world is designed in a relational setting like the opera theatre, we have the stage performers (the doers) and the audience (the watchers/beneficiaries) who cheers for the performers as they got entertained which develops a relational pleasure and happiness. The genesis of such happiness is the result of a cheerful relationship developed between the performers and the audience else it goes the other way round.

The creator has given every person different gifts, different talents, according to our own ability. Everyone doesn’t get the same, but what it’s given to you is what you need to fulfill your destiny. Whether you are that person that can defeat a thousand or you are another and you can defeat ten thousand, the right attitude is you are going to take what’s given by the creature and make the most of it. Don’t compete, don’t compare, just run your race. If someone passes you by, don’t be intimidated, be inspired.

I have learned when you are who you are, you can be quite and be powerful, you can be small and be powerful, and you can be behind the scenes and be powerful. The whole key is to be you, because when you are you, you activate your calling. There is a favor that is unique to your life. You are not destined to be somebody else, as long as you are trying to be like them, you will be frustrated. The anointing in your life is to be who you are design to be. Be confident in what you have, you have the right looks, the right talent, and the right personality. It may not be what somebody else has, but you are not running their race. It is about developing an authentic leadership. If you are who you are, you are authentic but one cannot be authentic if imitates someone else, as Hemingway said 
“you can get away from yourself by moving from one place to another”
 yes we learn from others, we have to learn from people but we can’t be somebody else. By being authentic only then we can be an inspiration to others. And it is the genesis of knowing yourself.

Self awareness is the foundation of growth and success. You need to understand how to become self aware by asking yourself the question “who am I? And what did I want? Becoming self aware is about the process of understanding ourselves, knowing ourselves; meaning being able to access realistically several dimensions of ourselves. It is about knowing what your strengths are, things you can do well, knowing your weakness and your present limitations. It is about knowing what you want and what you don’t as well. Don’t get distracted trying to keep up with someone you was never supposed to keep on with. When you understand you are fully loaded for the race that’s been design for you, instead of competing with people, you will celebrate them. The right attitude is, they may have something you don’t but that’s okay you are not running their race you are equipped for your destiny. What of the advance, what of the circumstances, what of the people that would shake you. Why to pick somewhere in life that might be a liability to you. What fear, what believes that you are holding onto that is no longer allowing your life to work?  



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