As we grow up, we start learning about responsibilities. The building blocks for a better future are made up of the aggregates of duties, obligations or tasks that one most fulfills which has a consequent penalty for failure. Worry is a human emotion existing to create consciousness upon these responsibilities.

The word “worry” comes in form of words like care, manage, control etc, rethinking on a specific matter within a short duration obviously explain caring which defines the term “worry”. We often tag this emotion as better off without, in attempt to acquire happy living, there is no offence in making such thought but misunderstanding the concept rather. Worry is experienced in two forms of feelings: feelings for consciousness on penalties for failing responsibilities and feelings that create awareness about responsibilities. As from a famous quote “there is responsibility in facing responsibility” and deviating from such character results to an undesirable outcome. Respect is tagged as the most important honor any human would ever be recognized with as all positive attitudes are portrayed in expectations of a return. Having been aware about our potential problems give us control over, whereby making us responsible and aiming towards the fastest way of earning respect.

Claims for living in a worry free condition is extensively occurring among the masses as people congratulates themselves on having fewer problems. Using such word in this situation is an act of misconception; rather use another linguistic that describes your present condition. As you grow up, you begin to determine how to control your life and future, and then worry about achieving goals so as to meet our destiny. This is a mental setting every individual is expected to have and omission costs consequences which isn’t always expected from a conscious mind. Responsibilities comes in forms like; religious duties, civic duties, personal duties, family duties and miscellaneous. The universe is satisfied with required strays enough to navigates away people’s focus on their responsibilities upon paying attention to. People get committed to an unnecessary affair that conquer their mind over time which may result to a short-time or long-time negative effect whereby leading them astray in a search for a limited comfort. Focusing on responsibility means following a desired destiny but failing a responsibility means waiting for some random destiny.

Sometimes emotions causes negative impacts to our health, worry is a no exception. We have matters that stuck in our mind which makes us rethink over every moment resulting to a mental pressure which causes aggressive behaviors and matters that generates fear upon crossing our mind. This causes an increased heart rate which increases the blood pressure resulting to HYPERTENSION. Such undesired outcomes evolve as a result of poor management of the human emotions. Human beings need counseling, therapy and related education so as to have a conscious mind in branch of emotions management so as not to experience health issues.

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