Programming your self

The way you think is the way you act and they way people judge you as well. Different people have different ways of thinking at different ages. Your mind and your thoughts sometimes change naturally due to what is happening with or around you.  Just like any other matter around us, which change based on what happened to them resulting to temporary or permanent changes. we all have reasons for our smiling and frowning unless we are just acting anyway or impersonating but we always got a message.

Filling your mind with positivism everyday by reading a minimum of 20-40 pages a day is a task all of us can do by going to the library and checking out books or reading articles on the internet or magazines which really helps program oneself. There is a story about a greatest sales man in the world; he was on a verge of committing suicide, went to the library and read the book “Think and Grow Rich” and his life turned around. So we should be reading and programming ourselves and the reason that most people should do that is, psychologists say that 86% of our self talk is negative and it goes undetected by the conscious mind. That’s why we are taught not to be conformed to this world and be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Listening to recordings and things that are positive and also going on YouTube to find things that will begin to empower you minimizes the distractions in your life. We have so many distractions, the weapons of mass distractions cause must people not to begin to live their lives from the inside out, but from the outside in. There is an African proverb that says “If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm”. Shakespeare also said “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in our selves, that we are underlings” so you have to program yourself or your mind will be programmed.

The other thing is that have goals beyond your comfort zone. Because in order to do something you have never done, you have to become someone you have never been. You have to be a risk taker because if you are not willing to RISK, you cannot GROW and if you can’t grow, you can’t become your best and if you can’t become your best, you can’t be happy and if you can’t be happy, what else is there?

Another point is; upgrading your relationships. You have to look at the people in your life and ask, what is this relationship doing to me? There are many people because of the toxic, negative, energy draining people in their lives; they will never be successful, because those toxic relationships will compromise their power. There is a new term in psychiatry called relational illness, there are some people that can make you sick. Some people might ask to change you but “No!” should always be your answer, it is a full time job changing yourself. There are some people that are so negative, they can walk into dark room and begin to develop.

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